Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

23 results
  • 韩国现代名诗选读
    Chinese(汉语) Book Available

    Kim ŏk et al / 김억 et al / 2006 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)


  • 韩国现代文学作品选
    Chinese(汉语) Book Available

    Yun Yunjin et al / 윤윤진 et al / 2005 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    《韩国现代文学作品选》是“21世纪韩国语专业系列教材”之一。本书选取现代韩国语文学领域中36位代表作家的代表作品或节选。每篇作品选读后提供作者及背景介绍、思考练习题及文学常识。本书可作为韩国语专业高年级文学课教学用书,也可供社会上具有相当韩国语基础的文学爱好者作进修读物。 Source :

  • Poems from Korea
    Poems from Korea
    English(English) Book Available

    King Mu of Paekche et al / 무왕 et al / 1974 / -

  • Best loved poems of Korea
    Best loved poems of Korea
    English(English) Book Available

    Byun Yeongro et al / 변영로 et al / 1984 / -

    It is hoped that the present volume gives some idea about modern Korean poetry in terms of subject matter, themes and modes of expression. The majority of the poems have been taken from among the most widely read and best-loved poems. The present book, however, cannot claim to present a satisfactory cross-section of modern Korean poetry. Among other things, the poems presented in volume where chosen largely on the basis of the degree to which individual poems rendered themselves to translation into the English language and partly on the personal preferences of the translator (from the Introduction).

  • Looking for the cow
    Looking for the cow
    English(English) Book Available

    Han Yong-un et al / 한용운 et al / 1999 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    This anthology of seventy-two poets covers the whole spectrum of Korean poetry in this century, with larger selections from the best-known poets, including Midang So Chung-Ju, Kim Sowol, and Kim Suyong. Many types of poetry, from the classical shijo to free-verse forms are represented. Many subjects are covered, from love and the love of nature, Buddhist and Confucian traditions, the search for transcendence (which is where the book's title comes from), and contemporary political poetry. Source :

  • Contemporary Korean poetry
    Contemporary Korean poetry
    English(English) Book Available

    Han Yong-un et al / 한용운 et al / 1994 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    I have prepared this anthology with the aim of providing the reader with a bird's-eye view of modern Korean poetry, with its best sampling, from the 1920s to the 1980s, best in the sense that it represents the varied aspects of Korean poetry   Source:

  • Poésie coréenne contemporaine
    Poésie coréenne contemporaine
    French(Français) Book Available

    Kim Ok et al / 김억 et al / 1991 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

  • 再訳 朝鮮詩集
    再訳 朝鮮詩集
    Japanese(日本語) Book Available

    Han Yong-un et al / 한용운 et al / 2007 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    日本帝国植民地下に編纂・和訳された『朝鮮詩集』。六十余年を経て、在日の民族詩人・金時鐘は朝鮮本土に原詩収集と詩人たちの経歴調査をおこない、詩の形態を含め、原詩の保全を第一とする再訳を果たした。祖国解放からあらたな文体を得てはじめて立ち現れる朝鮮の真なる詩人とは―。ハングル原詩との対訳、さらに詩人略歴を全面改訂。 Source:再訳-朝鮮詩集-金-時鐘/dp/4000238426

  • Puisi buat Rakyat Indonesia
    Puisi buat Rakyat Indonesia
    Indonesian(Bahasa Indonesia) Book Available

    Pak In-Hwan et al / 박인환 et al / 2007 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

  • The Columbia anthology of modern Korean poetry
    The Columbia anthology of modern Korean poetry
    English(English) Book Available

    Joo Yohan et al / 주요한 et al / 2004 / -

    Korea's modern poetry is filled with many different voices and styles, subjects and views, moves and countermoves, yet it still remains relatively unknown outside of Korea itself. This is in part because the Korean language, a rich medium for poetry, has been ranked among the most difficult for English speakers to learn. The Columbia Anthology of Modern Korean Poetry is the only up-to-date representative gathering of Korean poetry from the twentieth century in English, far more generous in its selection and material than previous anthologies. It presents 228 poems by 34 modern Korean poets, including renowned poets such as So Chongju and Kim Chiha.