Original Works

We provide information on Korean literature titles (classical, modern and contemporary) in multiple languages.

8 results
  • 고래바위


    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Lee Soon-won / 이순원 / 2012 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    This is a fable written by Lee Soon-won, published in 2012. It explains the way of nature through the process of Goraebawi reaching the sea. It is praised as a work that heals the soul through reflection on natural phenomena.

  • DLKL


    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Lee Soon-won / 이순원 / 2009 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    2007년에 발표된 이순원의 장편소설이다. 할아버지 밤나무가 꼬마 밤나무가 나누는 대화를 중심으로 전개되는 소설은 삶과 죽음, 자연의 흐름에 대해서 들려준다.

  • 말을 찾아서
    말을 찾아서

    Mareul Chajaseo

    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Lee Soon-won / 이순원 / 2014 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    This is a novel by Lee Soon-won, published in the first issue of Sangsang in the spring of 1996. It has a similar composition to Lee Hyoseok’s “Memilkkot pil muryeop (When Buckwheat Flowers Bloom),” which is used as a motif. The author uses the mule that the protagonist rejects as a metaphorical representation of the protagonist’s uncle, who falls short of an ideal father figure. This short story deals with the growth of a boy by forming ga relationship with a father figure.

  • 수색 그 물빛 무늬
    수색: 그 물빛 무늬

    Susaek: geu mulbin munui

    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Lee Soon-won / 이순원 / 1996 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century

    1996년 출간된 이순원의 연작장편소설이다. 남편의 첩(시앗)과의 관계 속에서도 다섯 남매를 키워온 어머니에 대한 이야기를 담고 있다. 개인이 가진 특수한 사연을 보편적인 영역으로 확대시키며 가족의 화해와 따뜻한 유대관계를 확인시켜준다.

  • DLKL
    시마네에에서의 한일문학심포지움 95

    Simaneeeseoui Hanilmunhaksimpojium 95

    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Hong Jungsun et al / 홍정선 et al / - / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical

  • 아들과 함께 걷는 길
    아들과 함께 걷는 길

    Adeulgwa Hamkke Geonneun Gil

    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Lee Soon-won / 이순원 / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century

    This is a novel by Lee Soon-won, published in 1996. It consists of the stories and conversations shared between writer Lee Soon-won and his 13-year-old son Sang-u, as they walk through the paths of Daegwallyeong. Through the author's autobiographical story, this novel shows the image of a father imparting his wisdom necessary to live in the world to his son.

  • DLKL
    영혼은 호수로 가 잠든다

    Yeonghoneun hosuro ga jamdeunda

    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Lee Soon-won / 이순원 / - / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > Short Story

    This is a short story by Lee Soon-won published in Hanguk munhak (Korean Literature) in 1996. It tells the story of a mysterious encounter that occurred through the death of the protagonist’s friend. Through the setting of Daegwallyeong and Gyeongpo Lake, this work alludes to the path between life and death, between the world and the afterlife.

  • 해파리에 관한 명상
    해파리에 관한 명상

    Haeparie gwanhan myeongsang

    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Lee Soon-won / 이순원 / 1998 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century

    1998년에 출간된 이순원의 소설이다. 작품은 어린시절 사고로 불구가 된 주인공의 이야기다. 작가는 타인으로부터 받는 정신적 물리적 폭력을 조용히 수용하면서 살아갈 수 밖에 없었던 보통의 순박한 사람의 이야기를 전해준다. 특히 한국사회에서 장애인이 겪었던 고통과 슬픔을 담담하지만 강력하게 보여주고 있다.