Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

15 results
  • 愛の韓国童話集
    Japanese(日本語) Book Available

    Yi Ju-hong et al / 이주홍 et al / 2001 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Children and Adolescents > Classics of Children and Adolescents

    This anthology introduces ten children’s stories published in Korea between the 1920s and the 1990s. It is noteworthy that works that are generally considered as general fiction in Korea, such as Hwang Sun-Won’s “Sonagi” (소나기 Rain Shower), Kim Yujung’s “Bombom” (봄봄 Spring, Spring), and Chu Yo-Sup’s “Sarang sonnim-gwa eomeoni” (사랑 손님과 어머니 Mama and the Boarder), are introduced in this book as “children’s stories.”

  • yujin et yujin
    yujin et yujin
    French(Français) Book Available

    Lee Geumyi / 이금이 / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    Elles ont treize ans toutes les deux et portent le même nom : Yujin. Elles se retrouvent au collège dans la même classe et découvrent qu'elles partagent un "secret de famille" qui a bouleversé leur enfance. C'est vers ce drame qu'elles remontent l'une et l'autre à mesure que leur amitié s'affirme. C'est aussi leur quotidien qu'elles racontent tour à tour dans ce roman émouvant, souvent grave et parfois drôle : une vie de collégienne en Corée, les relations compliquées mère-fille, les grandes amitiés et les premières relations amoureuses.

  • 鬼神のすむ家
    Japanese(日本語) Book Available

    Kim Jaechang et al / 김재창 et al / 2005 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    韓国の子どもたちはいったいどんなお話を読んでいるのだろう。創作童話、現代風のファンタジーや創作民話などを収録。   Source:

  • 幼真和幼真: 两个同名同姓女孩的故事
    幼真和幼真: 两个同名同姓女孩的故事
    Chinese(汉语) Book Available

    Lee Geumyi et al / 이금이 / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    在1991年发生的“金富男事件”给韩国社会带来了巨大的冲击。那是在幼年时期遭受了性暴力的受害者,在成年之后报复杀害加害人的事件。这件事发生的第二年,又发生了与自己的男友共谋杀害了在幼年时期经常对自己进行性侵犯的继父的“金宝恩事件”。不能否认,既是受害者也是杀人凶手的这些人,不可避免地会受到法律的制裁,他们的悲惨命运究竟需要我们反思什么?   Source:

  • Yu Jin Lớn Yu Jin Bé
    Yu Jin Lớn Yu Jin Bé
    Vietnamese(Tiếng Việt) Book

    Lee Geumyi / 이금이 / 2018 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    Yu Jin và Yu Jin, hai cô bé, một cái tên chung nhau và một đoạn đời ám ảnh chung nhau. Lên cấp hai, tình cờ họ gặp lại sau nhiều năm xa cách. Giờ đây, ở lứa tuổi đầy rắc rối và phức tạp, thế giới của hai em không chỉ giao nhau ở cái tên và vết thương xưa, mà còn là vô số biến cố không ngờ… Đề cập trực diện tới một chủ đề nặng nề như sự xâm hại trẻ em, cuốn tiểu thuyết nhỏ của Lee Geum-yi đã sáng bừng lên bằng lối kể sinh động, thấu hiểu, đong đầy yêu thương. Như ý nguyện của chính tác giả: “Tôi muốn nói với các em rằng ‘Dù trong bất kỳ hoàn cảnh nào cũng không được từ bỏ việc yêu thương bản thân’. Yêu bản thân chính là bước đầu tiên giúp chữa lành vết thương. […] Vì mỗi em ở lứa tuổi này đều là một sự tồn tại có ý nghĩa và đáng quý như các vì sao trên trời vậy.” - Lee Geum-yi Source :

  • そこに私が行ってもいいですか?
    Japanese(日本語) Book

    Lee Geumyi et al / 이금이 / 2022 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    女とは、階級とは、国とは、人種とはー。 海を越え、運命を切り拓く少女たちの物語。 構想10年。国際アンデルセン賞韓国候補作家が、日本軍慰安婦、対日協力者、アメリカ日系人収容所など、 複雑な日韓の近現代史を、女の視点から描く傑作エンタテインメント。 「人間は複雑で多面的な存在で、完全な善人も悪人もいない。誰もが自らの欲望や利益を前に、揺れながら生きている。人間を日帝強占期という歴史の枠組みに閉じ込めて、二分法的に描きたくなかった」ーーイ・グミ(本書より) 2018年度国際児童図書評議会オナーリスト選定図書。 Source :

  • Can't I Go Instead
    Can't I Go Instead
    English(English) Book

    Lee Geumyi et al / 이금이 / 2023 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    Can’t I Go Instead follows the lives of the daughter of a Korean nobleman and her maidservant in the early 20th century. When the daughter’s suitor is arrested as a Korean Independence activist, and she is implicated during the investigation, she is quickly forced into marriage to one of her father’s Japanese employees and shipped off to the United States. At the same time, her maidservant is sent in her mistress’s place to be a comfort woman to the Japanese Imperial army. Source:

  • Невеста по фотографии
    Невеста по фотографии
    Russian(Русский) Book

    Lee Geumyi et al / 이금이 / 2022 / -

    Можно ли выйти замуж за человека, которого никогда не видела? В 1918 году три кореянки покидают родные дома и отправляются в судьбоносное путешествие на Гавайи: они решают вступить в брак, увидев только фотографии своих предполагаемых мужей. Каждая из девушек бежит на другой конец мира в поисках лучшей жизни, но вскоре их мечты рушатся. Избранник Хончжу оказывается на тридцать лет старше, чем на фотографии. Сонхва отдана в жены ленивому пьянице. А Подыль хоть и сделала хорошую партию, но все равно несчастна: ее жених Тхэван согласился на свадьбу не по своей воле. Но пути назад нет. И теперь подругам предстоит свыкнуться с новой реальностью и начать все с чистого листа. Для кого эта книга Для тех, кто любит истории, в основе которых лежат реальные исторические события. Для читателей книг Те Нэм Джу («Госпожа Ким Чжи Ен, рожденная в 1982 году»), Лизы Си, Син Кёнсук. Для тех, кому интересно узнать, кто такие «невесты по фотографии» и как складывалась их судьба. Для любителей затягивающих романов с нестандартным сюжетом. Source :

  • The Picture Bride
    The Picture Bride
    English(English) Book

    Lee Geumyi et al / 이금이 / 2022 / -

    Of the three lies the matchmaker told Willow before she left home as a picture bride in 1918, the third hurt the most. Never one to be deterred, Willow does all that she can to make the best of her unexpected circumstance. But it isn't long before her dreams for this new life are shattered, first by a husband who never wanted to marry her in the first place, and then by the escalation of the Korean independence movements, unified in goal, but divergent in action, which threaten to split the Hawaiian Korean community and divide Willow's family and friends. Braving the rough waters of these tumultuous years, Willow forges ahead, creating new dreams through her own blood, sweat, and tears; working tirelessly toward a better life for her family and loved ones. Source :

  • The Picture Bride
    The Picture Bride
    English(English) Book

    Lee Geumyi et al / 이금이 / 2022 / -

    Could you marry a man you’ve never met? Three Korean women in 1918 make a life-changing journey to Hawaii, where they will marry, having seen only photographs of their intended husbands. Different fates await each of these women. Hong-ju, who dreams of a marriage of ‘natural love’, meets a man who looks twenty years older than his photograph; Song-hwa, who wants to escape from her life of ridicule as the granddaughter of a shaman, meets a lazy drunkard. And then there’s Willow, whose 26-year-old groom, Taewan, looks just like his image … Real life doesn’t always resemble a picture, but there’s no going back. And while things don’t turn out quite as they’d hoped, even for Willow, they do find something that makes their journey worthwhile — each other. Source :