
We provide news about Korean writers and works from all around the world.

11 results
  • 5 романов про необычные женские судьбы, которые вы прочитаете на одном дыхании
    5 романов про необычные женские судьбы, которые вы прочитаете на одном дыхании
    Russian(Русский) Article

    ELLE / September 22, 2022

    Подыль, Хончжу и Сонхва выросли в крошечной корейской деревушке. Одна с детства страдала от нищеты, вторая навсегда лишилась будущего после смерти мужа, а третья носила статус дочери умалишенной шаманки. Когда девушкам предлагают выйти замуж и переехать на Гавайи, они с радостью хватаются за эту возможность. Невзирая даже на то, что своих мужей до свадьбы они смогут увидеть только на фотографии… 

  • Review: The Picture Bride, Lee Geum-yi, Scribe
    Review: The Picture Bride, Lee Geum-yi, Scribe
    English(English) Book Review

    The Herald / November 30, 2022

    With few unmarried women among them, they exchanged photos with potential brides back home, persuading them to come to Hawaii with the promise of a better life.

  • Ride the K-Wave: Recent Korean Translated Fiction
    Ride the K-Wave: Recent Korean Translated Fiction
    English(English) Article

    New York Public Library / March 10, 2023

    The titles below—all translated from Korean and published in the US within the last few years—will give you a sense of South Korea's exciting literary landscape. 

  • March 15, 2023 – Arts Etc.
    March 15, 2023 – Arts Etc.
    English(English) Article

    International Examiner / March 20, 2023

    The Written & Spoken Arts

  • The Picture Bride – Lee Geum-yi
    The Picture Bride – Lee Geum-yi
    English(English) Book Review

    REAL LIFE READING / March 21, 2023

    A story about three women from rural Korea who travel to Hawaii in 1918 to marry complete strangers. They are picture brides, whose marriages have arranged based just on a photo. They’ve been told that their future husbands are young landowners in Hawaii. Unfortunately when they arrive, the women learn that they’ve been tricked by old photos and that the men are just workers on plantations. 

  • Best Books for Backpackers in 2023
    Best Books for Backpackers in 2023
    English(English) Article

    THE DRAGON TRIP / March 21, 2023

    We’ve collected some of the best books for backpackers from 2022 & 2023, which we think will sit perfectly between your socks and your toiletries. Whether you’re a historical fiction lover or a non-fiction reader – your next holiday read is here!  

  • 20 Must-Read Historical Fiction Books Set in Korea
    20 Must-Read Historical Fiction Books Set in Korea
    English(English) Article

    Book Riot / December 15, 2023

    The Korean Wave has exploded in popularity in recent years. It’s evident in K-pop, K-drama, and webtoons, all of which originated in South Korea. The Korean Wave is stronger than ever in many countries, particularly in mine, which is only a few hours away from Seoul. K-pop concerts are held on occasion, and there are even Korean barbecue restaurants on almost every corner (samgyeopsal is to die for). This phenomenon is not going away soon, either. Everything Korean these days seems in high demand, even in various storytelling formats such as comics and books. The boom of K-drama-inspired novels has made it to romance publishing and beyond.

  • La ilustradora española Elena Odriozola y la chilena Paloma Valdivia nominadas al Premio Hans Christian Andersen 2024
    La ilustradora española Elena Odriozola y la chilena Paloma Valdivia nominadas al Premio Hans Christian Andersen 2024
    Spanish(Español) Article

    publishnews / January 19, 2024

    El resto de ilustradores finalistas son Cai Gao (China), Iwona Chmielewska (Polonia), Sydney Smith (Canadá), y Nelson Cruz (Brasil), mientras que los autores finalistas son Marina Colasanti (Brasil), Heinz Janisch (Austria), Lee Geum-yi (Corea del Sur), Bart Moeyaert (Bélgica), Timo Parvela (Finlandia), y Edward van de Vendel (Holanda).

  • 12 auteurs et illustrateurs en lice pour le Prix Hans-Christian-Andersen
    12 auteurs et illustrateurs en lice pour le Prix Hans-Christian-Andersen
    French(Français) Article

    ActuaLitté / January 19, 2024

    Le « petit » Prix Nobel de Littérature, le Prix Hans-Christian-Andersen, salue tous les deux ans un auteur et un illustrateur pour leur œuvre dans le domaine de la littérature jeunesse. Les lauréats seront connus le 8 avril 2024, choisis parmi une sélection de 12 personnalités du monde entier.

  • 《有真和有真》| 每日一书
    《有真和有真》| 每日一书
    Chinese(汉语) Article

    新京报 / June 20, 2024
