Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

7 results
  • Дом из прошлого, Рассказы современных корейских авторов
    Дом из прошлого, Рассказы современных корейских авторов
    Russian(Русский) Book

    Park Wansuh et al / 박완서 et al / 2018 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    This book is a compilation of short stories by leading Korean novelists since the 1980s. Fifteen short stories are included in this anthology, Including the titular piece “Geu namja-ne jip” (그 남자네 집 His house) by Park Wansuh, “Abeojiui ttang” (아버지의 땅 Father’s Land) by Lim Chul-Woo, and “Saworui mi, chirworui sol” (사월의 미, 칠월의 솔 Mi of April, sol of July) by Kim Yeon-su.

  • 歲月
    Japanese(日本語) Book Available

    Jeong Ji A et al / 정지아 / 2014 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Short Story

    発禁小説「パルチザンの娘」でデビューした女流作家が、歴史に翻弄されて生きた人々の日常を描く。第7回李孝石文学賞を受賞した「風景」など、全8編の短編を収録。   Source  :

    French(Français) Book Available

    Youn Dae-Nyeong et al / 윤대녕 et al / 2015 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    La ville brille, mais blesse. Elle représente toutes les illusions, les aspirations sociales de la jeunesse, mais aussi les rêves brisés, les amertumes. Dans Les Poncires, une grand-mère rompt avec la morosité de son appartement citadin pour faire un dernier voyage : les somptueux paysages de l’île de Jeju, au large de la Corée. Un homme entre deux âges retourne dans son village natal s’occuper de ses vieux parents et redécouvre la vie à la campagne dans La Lumière du printemps, tandis que le père d’une famille habitant un immeuble résidentiel considère l’éventualité d’échanger son épouse pour sa jeune voisine dans La Femme d’à côté.   source:

  • The Black room
    The Black room
    English(English) Book

    Jeong Ji A / 정지아 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Short Story

    The protagonist of “Black Room” is a ninety-nine-year-old old woman who enters Jirisan Mountain with her husband and fights in the southern army, losing her family and friends and living in prison. Even after leaving prison, the old woman’s life was not so green, but she lives by considering her 42-year-old daughter as the “present” and the “lantern” she should protect. The old woman, who has lived for ninety-nine years, realizes that the last moment of her life is near and enters the recollection of reflecting on her life is reflected on her life. Source :

  • Hayırlı Evlat
    Hayırlı Evlat
    Turkish(Türkçe) Book

    Jeong Ji A et al / 정지아 / 2022 / -

    Şimçong babasıyla yalnız yaşamaktadır. Bir gün babası Şim Hakgyu, bir Mongın tapınağı rahibinden gözlerinin açılabileceğini duyar. Bunun için denizcilere üç yüz çuval pirinç bağışlamalıdır. (source:

  • 父親的解放日記
    Chinese(汉语) Book

    Jeong Ji A et al / 정지아 / 2023 / -

    父後三日,告別之後,我才看見從未真正認識的爸爸……   所有的來不及與懊悔,竟都溫柔的被接住了。   「讀到這本書真的很幸福!」 source:

  • 父の革命日誌
    Japanese(日本語) Book

    Jeong Ji A et al / 정지아 / 2024 / -

    パルチザンとして闘争に身を捧げた父の突然の死。その葬儀には思いもよらない弔問客たちが訪れる。人生の複雑さを称える傑作長篇。 source :父の革命日誌-チョン・ジア/dp/4309208983