E-Books & Audiobooks

We provide e-books of Korean literary works published in over 48 languages around the world.

4 results
  • Concerning My Daughter
    Concerning My Daughter
    English(English) Ebook

    Kim Hye-jin / 김혜진 / 2022 / -

    When a mother allows her thirty-something daughter to move into her apartment, she wants for her what many mothers might say they want for their child: a steady income, and, even better, a good husband with a good job with whom to start a family. But when Green turns up with her girlfriend, Lane, in tow, her mother is unprepared and unwilling to welcome Lane into her home. In fact, she can barely bring herself to be civil. Having centred her life on her husband and child, her daughter's definition of family is not one she can accept. Her daughter's involvement in a case of unfair dismissal involving gay colleagues from the university where she works is similarly strange to her. And yet when the care home where she works insists that she lower her standard of care for an elderly dementia patient who has no family, who travelled the world as a successful diplomat, who chose not to have children, Green's mother cannot accept it. Why should not having chosen a traditional life mean that your life is worth nothing at all? In Concerning My Daughter, translated from Korean by Jamie Chang, Kim Hye-jin lays bare our most universal fears on ageing, death, and isolation, to offer finally a paean to love in all its forms. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/7283359?cid=37224

  • 中央站
    Chinese(汉语) Ebook

    Kim Hye-jin et al / 김혜진 / 2021 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    榮獲 第5屆中央長篇小說文學獎 獲選 世宗圖書文化體育觀光部優秀圖書 一名年輕男子來到中央站,過起街頭的生活,他用全身感受街頭的顏色、噪音、氣味,以及羞恥、失落與憤怒。 無所事事,是他唯一做的事,他只想一天捱過一天,揮霍別人欣羨的年輕本錢;他以為,只要心如槁木死灰,就能擺脫恐懼與茫然──直到他的身邊,出現了女人。 這個年紀不知比他大多少、宿疾纏身的女人,燃起他體內熄滅已久的欲望。 當愛只剩下赤裸裸的軀體,會是什麼模樣? 而這份情感,又將使自己變得多卑微? 他與她,早已無暇去思考,只拚命汲取著對方的體溫,更悄悄冀望起未來...... Source: https://lti.overdrive.com/media/5996803?cid=37224

  • 9號的工作
    Chinese(汉语) Ebook

    Kim Hye-jin et al / 김혜진 / 2021 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    金惠珍以冷靜的筆調,刻畫了一個殘酷卻失語的故事。當一名平凡的勞動者面對變相逼退員工、不當解僱等勞資紛爭,他對工作的信念從期許、奮鬥、掙扎、乃至絕望,最終走向毀滅。而讓勞動者如此受盡折磨的,或許從來都不是無情的公司或競爭的社會,而是他們難以確保的未來。 從9號的遭遇,我們也會看見在工作崗位上認真打拚的自己,重新省思關於「勞工與公司」、「勞動與人生」的核心意義。 Source: https://lti.overdrive.com/media/6658539?cid=37224

  • Concerning My Daughter
    Concerning My Daughter
    English(English) Ebook

    Kim Hye-jin / 김혜진 / 2022 / -

    The Prize-winning International Bestseller When a mother allows her thirty-something daughter to move into her apartment, she wants for her what many mothers might say they want for their child: a steady income, and, even better, a good husband with a good job with whom to start a family. But when Green turns up with her girlfriend Lane in tow, her mother is unprepared and unwilling to welcome Lane into her home. In fact, she can barely bring herself to be civil. Having centred her life on her husband and child, her daughter's definition of family is not one she can accept. Her daughter's involvement in a case of unfair dismissal involving gay colleagues from the university where she works is similarly strange to her. And yet when the care home where she works insists that she lower her standard of care for an elderly dementia patient who has no family, who travelled the world as a successful diplomat, who chose not to have children, Green's mother cannot accept it. Why should not having chosen a traditional life mean that your life is worth nothing at all? In Concerning My Daughter, translated from Korean by Jamie Chang, Kim Hye-jin lays bare our most universal fears on ageing, death and isolation to offer, finally, a paean to love in all its forms. 'An admirably nuanced portrait of prejudice . . . one that boldly takes on the daunting task of humanizing someone whose prejudice has made her cruel.' - The New York Times Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/7283359