Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

6 results
  • A house on the road
    A house on the road
    English(English) Book Available

    Lee Hye-kyung et al / 이혜경 / 2010 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999

    "A House on the Road" features a disintegrating process of the patriarchal headship of a family, the basic pillar of Korean society, and the family members inner struggles in the process against the backdrop of political turmoil in the 1970s and the 1980s. The novel also features Korean womens life that had to undergo sacrifice and men who suppressed them in a society which put great emphasis on productivity. The author insightfully describes that men were in turn suppressed by the bigger father, namely, the state, society, and custom. The characters in this novel wander in search of their own house, with a passion to be free from the fathers house.

  • Narradoras coreanas contemporáneas
    Narradoras coreanas contemporáneas
    Spanish(Español) Book Available

    OH JUNGHEE et al / 오정희 et al / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    Diez relatos, es una selección hecha entre la pléyade de escritoras de reconocido nombre en las letras coreanas actuales, en los que se abordan diferentes aspectos de la condición femenina, a través de experiencias autobiográficas, tradiciones, costumbres, leyes no escritas y también, como no, de la fantasía de las autoras. Retratos psicológicos de mujeres que viven bajo la férula más o menos visible del hombre y la familia, en los que se muestran  los conflictos entre su propia intimidad y las normas sociales.   Source:

  • Das Haus auf dem Weg
    Das Haus auf dem Weg
    German(Deutsch) Book Available

    Lee Hye-kyung et al / 이혜경 / 2005 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999

    „Die Decke aus Cashmilon wärmte so wenig wie der Wind, der durch die Ritzen des Fensters blies. Doch noch kälter war die Selbstverachtung, die immer wieder emporstieg.“ Mit seelischen Wunden ringt jeder Angehörige der Familie des Herrn Kiljung. Während er selbst in aufrechter Haltung allen Widrigkeiten zu trotzen versucht, leidet seine Frau unter seinem despotischen Wesen, die vier Söhne schwanken zwischen Flucht und Aufbegehren, und passiv und introvertiert erträgt die Tochter das Leben im Elternhaus. In ihrem Roman „Das Haus auf dem Weg“ schildert Lee Hye-Kyung nicht nur den Zerfall einer Familie, denn aus den individuellen Perspektiven der Charaktere werden die Zustände in der koreanischen Gesellschaft auf anschauliche Weise sichtbar gemacht. Dabei gelingt es ihr, die Schicksale sachlich und einfühlsam zu beschreiben – Schilderungen, die dem Leser nahe gehen. Der Autorin wurde hierfür der LiBeratur-Förderpreis 2004 auf der Leipziger Buchmesse verliehen.   Source:

  • 路上的家
    Chinese(汉语) Book Available

    Lee Hye-kyung et al / 이혜경 / 2016 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999

  • AZALEA (Journal of Korean Literature & Culture)
    AZALEA (Journal of Korean Literature & Culture)
    English(English) Book Available

    David R. McCann et al / 데이비드 매캔 et al / 2007 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical

    "Azalea is about Korean literature and literary culture, and therefore about writing, publishing, translating, and reading. The writing has already happened, the translation too, but now for the reading! We have looked at original works, wondering who might best translate a gem. Or we have discovered a strong translation and asked, 'Can we publish it?' And how might artwork of various kinds, or perhaps photographs of Korea contemporaneous with the literary works, be added to the mix? The occasional hortatory note, such as my own in this issue about the 1953 short story 'Cranes' by Hwang Sunwon, may add another edge, perhaps, to the reader's framing and reframing of the piece." --from the Editor's Note Contributors: Heinz Insu Fenkl, Ha Seong-nan, Mickey Hong, Huh Su-gyung, Hwang In-sook, Hwang Jiwoo, Hwang Sunwon, Kim Aeran, Kim Chiha, Kim Hyesoon, Kim Jung-Hyuk, Kim Seung-Hui, Kim Young-ha, Ko Un, Lee Changdong, Lee Hye-kyung, Lee Moon-jae, Lee Si-Young, Chonggi Mah, David R. McCann, Orhan Pamuk, Park Min-gyu, Robert Pinsky, Song Ch'an-ho, Ronald Suleski, Sung Suk-je,Yoon Sung-Hee,Yun Dae Nyeong, Dafna Zur.

  • Gendered Landscapes
    Gendered Landscapes
    English(English) Book Available

    Kang Kyung-ae et al / 강경애 et al / 2017 / -

    Gendered Landscapes presents ten short stories and novellas by representative modern Korean women writers dating from the 1930s to the end of the 1990s. Signature pieces selected from the acclaimed novelists' repertoire, these narratives address issues related to Korean women as gendered beings in a Confucian-governed patriarchal society. Thematically interlinked and compellingly articulated, they bring into full view the vivid and colorful mosaic of Korean women's lives over the past seven decades, engendered under the formidable sway of centuries-old Confucian gender ideologies and practices. Collectively, these literary gems represent bold and astute counter-narratives to Confucian master discourses that have determined gender norms, woman's identity, familial and conjugal morality, and other kin and interpersonal relationships in modern and contemporary Korean society. These texts testify to their authors' creative ingenuity and refined craftsmanship in utilizing the power of storytelling and stand as powerful beacons both for the personal voyages of fictional characters and for the transformation of reading communities at large. Readers who are interested in the interrelationships among Korean, and even East-Asian, literature, women, culture, and society, will find the stories in Gendered Landscapes especially informative, illuminating, and enriching. This new anthology is a welcome companion volume to the translator's earlier work, Questioning Mind: Short Stories by Modern Korean Women Writers (2010).