E-Books & Audiobooks

We provide e-books of Korean literary works published in over 48 languages around the world.

4 results
  • Cielo, viento, estrellas y poesía [Googleplay E-Book]
    Cielo, viento, estrellas y poesía [Googleplay E-Book]
    Spanish(Español) Ebook

    Yun Tong-ju / 윤동주 / 2005 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 20th century poetry > 1910-1945

    Por primera vez en español se presenta una amplia muestra de la poesía coreana contemporánea. Un cuerpo poético íntimamente vinculado a la naturaleza, cuyo predominio temático con la soledad, la meditación, la contemplación de los misterios de lo cotidiano y del mundo. El poeta extrae de su propia vida y de la Naturaleza su mundo poético, el cual constituye esa ventana que lo eleva al cielo, a las estrellas, al viento y a la poesía.  Source: http://www.verbumeditorial.com/es/libreria/Catalog/show/cielo-viento-estrellas-y-poesia-193749   Purchase Googleplay e-book >>  https://books.google.co.kr/books?id=adDYdZlP2ywC&pg=PA25&dq=Cielo, viento, estrellas y poesía&hl=ko&sa=X&ei=0DnhVJboOorw8gWht4KgAg&ved=0CBsQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=Cielo, viento, estrellas y poesía&f=false

  • The Columbia Anthology of Modern Korean Poetry
    The Columbia Anthology of Modern Korean Poetry
    English(English) Ebook

    Joo Yohan et al / 주요한 et al / 2004 / -

    Korea's modern poetry is filled with many different voices and styles, subjects and views, moves and countermoves, yet it still remains relatively unknown outside of Korea itself. This is in part because the Korean language, a rich medium for poetry, has been ranked among the most difficult for English speakers to learn. The Columbia Anthology of Modern Korean Poetry is the only up-to-date representative gathering of Korean poetry from the twentieth century in English, far more generous in its selection and material than previous anthologies. It presents 228 poems by 34 modern Korean poets, including renowned poets such as So Chongju and Kim Chiha. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/CF3732FC-73E8-450D-988F-67AF908A9B64

  • Sky, Wind, and Stars
    Sky, Wind, and Stars
    English(English) Ebook

    Yun Tong-Ju et al / 윤동주 / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 20th century poetry > 1910-1945

    Born and raised in northern Manchuria during the colonial period of Korea, Yun Dong-ju was a poet of the utmost purity, beauty, and sincerity. His posthumously published collection of poems under the title Sky, wind, stars, and poems is one of the all-time favorites of Korean readers. Wishing not to have so much as a speck of shame toward heaven until the day I die, I suffered, even when the wind stirred the leaves. (From Foreword) In simple diction and straightforward expressions, his poems sing of his love for his people, his compassion for the poor and destitute, and his hopes for freedom and independence. These themes still resonate deep within the hearts of the Korean people. His imprisonment and eventual death in 1945 in a Japanese prison lend great poignancy to his work. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/F02803A0-B89E-467A-B5AA-E0CC018D741D

  • Himmel, Wind, Sterne und Poesie
    Himmel, Wind, Sterne und Poesie
    German(Deutsch) Ebook

    Yun Tong-Ju et al / 윤동주 / 2022 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 20th century poetry > 1910-1945

    »Vorgedicht«, »Sterne zählen in der Nacht« und »Ein Gedicht, das mir zuflog« zählen heute zu den bekanntesten Werken der koreanischen Dichtung. Yun Dong-ju ist einer der beliebtesten Dichter Koreas. Er wird als einer der führenden Intellektuellen gegen Ende der japanischen Kolonialisierung angesehen, aber seine Gedichte stellen sich nicht explizit gegen die japanische Herrschaft auf der koreanischen Halbinsel, sie basieren auf Selbstreflexion und Empathie zu seinen Mitmenschen. Die frühen Gedichte vertreten oft eine kindliche Sicht auf die Dinge, später konzentrieren sich seine Werke auf das innere Ich und die eigenen Erfahrungen als Intellektueller, dem die koreanische Sprache und Kultur nur im privatesten Bereich zugestanden werden. Source: https://lti.overdrive.com/media/9354780?cid=37224