
We provide news about Korean writers and works from all around the world.

8 results
  • 韓国を代表する歴史小説家が、カトリック迫害の100年に迫る。
    Japanese(日本語) Article

    pen-online / April 16, 2020


  • Écrire avec son corps
    Écrire avec son corps
    French(Français) Article

    keulmadang / June 12, 2009

    Il est des écrivains qui vous apparaissent plus comme un dur guerrier qu’un frêle érudit. Il tient à écrire à la main et uniquement au crayon, il fuit l’automobile et préfère bricoler son vélo. Et plus important encore, il est l’écrivain d’un tout nouveau type de romans historiques en Corée. Park Hae-Hyun, reporter pour le Chosun Ilbo, a rencontré le romancier Kim Hoon pour une interview.

  • Contemporary Novelists Shed the Past: The Birth of the New Historical Novel | LIST
    Contemporary Novelists Shed the Past: The Birth of the New Historical Novel | LIST
    English(English) Article

    list_Books from Korea / -

    Contemporary Novelists Shed the Past: The Birth of the New Historical Novel   By Jung Yeo-ul on Nov 01 2014 01:24:01 Vol.16 Summer 2012 Popular literary novelists Kim Hoon, Kim Young-ha, Kim Byeola, and Lee Jung-myung breathe new life into familiar historical figures. Historical dramas are so popular that whenever Koreans picture a famous historical figure, the first face that comes to mind is that of the actor who played that person on television. Historical novels as well have inspired the observation that “Koreans are bingeing on history.” Recently, there has been a tendency to view historical novels as a form of healing, in which modern readers find solace in the trials and tribulations of historical figures in novels. By empathizing with the difficulties faced by people of the past, people find the key to unlocking their own struggles.

  • History & Memory: What History Has Forgotten, Novels Have Remembered | LIST
    History & Memory: What History Has Forgotten, Novels Have Remembered | LIST
    English(English) Article

    list_Books from Korea / -

    History & Memory: What History Has Forgotten, Novels Have Remembered   By Cho Yeon-jung on Nov 09 2014 07:32:53 Special Edition 2011 What happens at the meeting of history and the novel? In the sense that both depend on memory and imagination to varying degrees, they tell the same story: a fiction. Memory and imagination play an important role as subjects and tools in historiography and writing novels. In formal historiography, fragments of memories are gathered together to become a collective memory. Putting together personal, fleeting memories to create a plausible story requires the judgment of a historian, but also imagination and ideology. Novels rely more on personal rather than collective memory. In this sense, perhaps the origins of fiction are forgotten stories; stories that have faded from the collective memory have a chance to be retold as personal remembrances, thanks to novels. Regardless of whether novels contain collective or personal memories, the moment these are recorded on paper, they become a fiction that can no longer be recreated by recollection alone. Novel writing is such a task. Therefore novels try to recreate the things that history—even time—has forgotten, by trying to recall these memories through the act of writing. It is an impossible and repetitive task. At a fundamental level, novels strive not to forget such things as personal, fleeting, and sensory memories. The key point is that history has forgotten the memories known as novels, while novels recollect what history has relegated to oblivion.

  • Kim Hoon: A Writer Who Writes with His Body | LIST
    Kim Hoon: A Writer Who Writes with His Body | LIST
    English(English) Article

    list_Books from Korea / -

    Kim Hoon: A Writer Who Writes with His Body   By Park Hae-hyun on Nov 21 2014 11:35:04 Vol.2 Winter 2008 He is a writer who strikes us as a tough warrior rather than as a frail scholar. He insists on writing longhand using only pencils, and huns automobiles in favor of tooling around on a bike. But most of all, he is the writer of an entirely new kind of historical novels in Korea. Kim Hoon writes in longhand, using pencils. He worked as a journalist for over 20 years before he started publishing novels, but strangely enough, he has never touched the keyboard of a typewriter or a computer. In this digital day and age, he insists on writing the analog way. Kim has always said, “When I write with pencils, I feel that my body is propelling the writing forward. I am incapable of writing a single line without this feeling.” To him, a pencil is not merely a tool for writing, but the embodiment of the writer himself. Kim Hoon uses his entire body to show the moment in which the body and the words of the writer become one to reveal that a writer’s style is, literally, none other than the writer himself. Kim Hoon calls himself a bicycle racer. He does not have a driver’s license. He journeyed to the southern part of the Korean peninsula riding his bike, which he named Pungryun, meaning “wheels of the wind,” and wrote a series of travel essays. He is a writer who rejects computers and writes with a pencil, a writer who shuns automobiles and troubles himself by stepping on the pedals of his bicycle. People now consider him an evangelist promoting bike riding as part of the green lifestyle that is being emphasized in Korea today.

  • PODCAST | Últimas novedades de novela histórica del año, Luis Zueco, Lope de Vega y preparación navideña
    PODCAST | Últimas novedades de novela histórica del año, Luis Zueco, Lope de Vega y preparación navideña
    Spanish(Español) Book Review

    Blogs en 20minutos.es / December 12, 2021

    Tras los dos especiales sobre el X Certamen Internacional de Novela histórica de Úbeda, celebrado el pasado noviembre, regresa su podcast de novela histórica a su estructura regular por última vez en el 2021 antes de unos especiales navideños que ya anuncian. Participan en esta ocasión, Pablo Lozano, comandante del Certamen, Javier Velasco, de Todoliteratura, Yolanda Rocha, del blog Que el sueño me alcance leyendo, Ren, del blog Momoko y Pedro Pablo Uceda, la ya emblemática ‘voz de la calle’ del podcast.

  • 「ハルビン」 安重根の「貧しさと青春と体」追う 朝日新聞書評から
    「ハルビン」 安重根の「貧しさと青春と体」追う 朝日新聞書評から
    Japanese(日本語) Article

    好書好日 / August 17, 2024

    「ハルビン」 [著]キム・フン  ハルビン駅のホームに列車が滑り込む。客車から降りてきたのは初代韓国統監を退任したばかりの伊藤博文だ。儀仗(ぎじょう)兵が出迎え、楽隊の演奏音がホームに響き渡る。騒々しい歓迎の儀式にあって、しかし、群衆に紛れ、ポケットに銃を忍ばせた男の耳には何も届かない。  男は銃口を伊藤に向けた。照準線と伊藤が重なる。銃弾が放たれた。鉄路の脇で〝明治の元勲〟が斃(たお)れる。その場所は、暗殺者の男にとっての〝終着駅〟でもあった。  安重根(アン・ジュングン)――朝鮮独立運動家である。1909年10月26日、当時のロシアが管轄していたハルビン駅で伊藤を暗殺した。韓国では「抗日義士」と称(たた)えられる一方、日本では菅義偉官房長官(当時)が「犯罪者」との認識を示している。国によって評価が異なるのは伊藤も同じで、朝鮮半島の側からすれば、日帝植民地支配を象徴する侵略者の親玉だ。

  • 伊藤博文に「否!」と叫んだ男―キム・フン『ハルビン』永江 朗による書評
    伊藤博文に「否!」と叫んだ男―キム・フン『ハルビン』永江 朗による書評
    Japanese(日本語) Book Review

    Yahoo!ニュース / September 13, 2024

    ◆伊藤博文に「否!」と叫んだ男 ひとりの青年が思い詰めている。あの男を殺さなければならないと。青年といっても、もう満30歳。3人の子供もいる。妻子とは離れて暮らし、末っ子の顔はまだ見ていない。青年の名は安重根(アンジュングン) あの男とは伊藤博文。初代韓国統監。その前は日本の総理大臣を4度務めた。韓国の植民地支配を進めた男。統監を辞めた伊藤は枢密院議長に就き、プライベートで満州を旅するという。安重根はハルビンで伊藤を撃つことにする。自分が伊藤を殺したら妻子は朝鮮で暮らせなくなるだろうと、彼らをハルビンに呼び寄せる。