Translated Books

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selected poems
Jeongrye Choi
Brenda Hillman,Wayne de Fremery,Jeongrye Choi
Parlor Press
Published Year

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Original Title
최정례 시선
Original Language


Romanization of Original
Choejeongnye siseon

About the Author

Writer default image
  • Choi Jeongrye
  • Birth : 1955 ~ 2021
  • Occupation : Poet
  • First Name : Jeongrye
  • Family Name : Choi
  • Korean Name : 최정례
  • ISNI : 0000000356844088
  • Works : 4
About the Original Work
  • 최정례 시선
  • Author : Choi Jeongrye
  • Published Year : 2001
  • English Title : Instances : selected poems
More About the Original Work
  • English(English)

One of Korea's most exacting and innovative poets, JEONGRYE CHOI writes a poetry that uncovers the strangeness of everyday experience. Alert and streetwise, but tuned into the undercurrent of things, Choi's poetry creates environments at once familiar but dreamlike, marked by a preternatural clarity. Favoring imagistic condensation and formal trimness, Choi's poetry possesses a highly-suggestive, allusive intensity that locates the startling within the familiar. Always rooted in the here-and-now, Choi's speakers are simultaneously outside it, questioning the propriety of our taken-for-granted arrangements. Delicate and wistful, this poetry has the tensile strength to address itself to the deepest challenges of human experience: as Choi writes, with characteristic (and deceptive) off-handedness, "hey abyss." In a world of inconstancy and ceaseless transformation, Choi's poetry forgoes easy consolations and instead offers poetry of the highest order as the only consolation. Reading it offers an almost vertiginous sense of the variousness of experience. As Brenda Hillman observes, "There is a quality of imagination in her work that is still a rare thing in poetry."

Work List
Author Work name
Translation Korean Translation Korean
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Motes 보푸라기들
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Watching Deer 사슴 구경
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 In Three Minutes 3분 동안
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Barbed Wire in a Stream 냇물에 철조망
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 A Thief Caught at Dusk 저녁에 잡혀온 도둑
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Just a Glimmer 잠깐 반짝였는데
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 "The Airplane Took Off. The Airplane Disappeared." 비행기 떴다 비행기 사라졌다
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 The Five-thousand-Year-Old Heart I’ve Swallowed 한 오천 살은 먹은 내 마음이
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 And Blinks 껌벅이다가
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 A Town with a Trumpet Creeper 능소화가 있는 마을
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Window Washer 유리 닦는 남자
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 The Absent Tree 없는 나무
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Snow
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Hotel California, A Puddle 웅덩이 호텔 캘리포니아
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Deer Climbing a Bamboo Pole 사슴이 장대에 올라
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Spring Rain Shower 봄 소나기
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Forest
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Mirror, Mirror and Mirror in the Mirror 거울 속에 거울 거울 거울
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Window
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 A Thicket of Wild Roses 찔레가시덤불
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Angel 천사
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 On the Way to Buy Meat 고기 사러 갔던 길
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Canna and the Sword 칼과 칸나꽃
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Room
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 A Forest of Donkey Ears 당나귀 귀의 숲
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 With a Mountainside Cherry Tree and the Shadow of a Woman 산벚꽃나무하고 여자 그림자하고
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 A Dance With the Wall 벽과의 춤을
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Her Lips are Warm While Yours are Cold 그녀의 입술은 따스하고 당신의 것은 차거든
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Arabesque 아라베스크
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 The Whale Sashimi Restaurant 고래 횟집
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 The Evening’s Supermarket 저녁의 수퍼마켓
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Red Tubs 빨간 다라이
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Watermelon Patch and the Moon 달과 수박밭
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 An Apple Seller Scattered in Front of a Musso 무쏘 앞에 흩어진 사과장수
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Old Woman 늙은 여자
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 While Slipping on Stockings 스타킹을 신는 동안
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Blood
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Lebanese Emotion 레바논 감정
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Crimson Field 붉은 밭
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 In Front of My Old House 옛집 앞을
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Red Marble 붉은 구슬
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Intent on Forgetting the Body 온몸을 잊으려고
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 A Meal at the Aquarium Restaurant 수족관 식당에서의 식사
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 A Swamp and a Poem 늪과 시
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Tigers in the Sunlight 햇빛 속에 호랑이
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 I Talked with Geese in Iowa 거위와 말했다 - 아이오와에서
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Smell 냄새
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Pyŏngjŏm 餠店(병점)
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Crabs With One Leg Inside Their Holes 게들은 구멍 속에 한 쪽 다리를 걸치고
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 When I Was Trembling Like a Leaf 내가 한 잎 나뭇잎이었을 때
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 Frog! Grasshopper! Dung Beetle! 개구리 메뚜기 말똥구리야
Choi Jeongrye 최정례 An Arrow Lying On the Road 길에 누운 화살표

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