Translated Books

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English(English) Book

Six voices

About the Books

Six voices
Kim Hae-Sook
Kim Yang-Shik , Lim Seong-Sook , Shin Tong-choon , Sung Choon-bok , Yoo Kyung-whan
Kim Yang-shik,Lee Joon-Young,Sung Chankyung,Kim Jinsup,Edward W. Poitras,Kim Jaihian,Ahn Junghyo,Melicent Huneycutt,Paik Myungsun,Mary Alice Ball,Kim Jong-Gil,Yoon Chong-hiok,Ha Kyungja
Royal Asiatic Society
Published Year

KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

Original Title
6인 시선
Original Language


Romanization of Original
6in siseon

About the Author

Writer default image
  • Kim Hae-Sook
  • Birth : - ~ -
  • Occupation : -
  • First Name : -
  • Family Name : -
  • Korean Name : 김해숙
  • ISNI : -
  • Works : 1
About the Original Work
  • 6인 시선
  • Author : Kim Hae-Sook et al
  • Published Year : -
  • English Title : Six voices
More About the Original Work
Work List
Author Work name
Translation Korean Translation Korean
Kim, Hae-Sook 김해숙 They
Kim, Hae-Sook 김해숙 Be a Wnter-Traveler
Kim, Hae-Sook 김해숙 Rain
Kim, Hae-Sook 김해숙 My Home town
Kim, Hae-Sook 김해숙 The wind from My Home town
Kim, Hae-Sook 김해숙 The cold
Kim, Hae-Sook 김해숙 Morning paper
Kim. Yang-Shik 김양식 Listen to the Deer Crying 우린 사슴의 울음을 듣자
Kim. Yang-Shik 김양식 Afternoon
Kim. Yang-Shik 김양식 Sketching One Afternoon Sketching One Afternoon
Kim. Yang-Shik 김양식 India (I) 인도 (1)
Kim. Yang-Shik 김양식 India (II) 인도 (2)
Kim. Yang-Shik 김양식 India (III) 인도 (3)
Kim. Yang-Shik 김양식 India (IV) 인도 (4)
Kim. Yang-Shik 김양식 India (V) 인도 (5)
Kim. Yang-Shik 김양식 For My dear Baby
Kim. Yang-Shik 김양식 A winter Sparrow
Kim. Yang-Shik 김양식 A Grief as my Weight
Kim. Yang-Shik 김양식 Bird
Kim. Yang-Shik 김양식 Our Darkness
Kim. Yang-Shik 김양식 A Death of Poet
Kim. Yang-Shik 김양식 Four Seasons
Lim, Seong-Sook 임성숙 Digging a Well 우물 파기
Lim, Seong-Sook 임성숙 Friend 친구여
Lim, Seong-Sook 임성숙 Flower
Lim, Seong-Sook 임성숙 Woman 1 여자 1
Lim, Seong-Sook 임성숙 Woman 54 여자 54
Lim, Seong-Sook 임성숙 At a masquerode
Lim, Seong-Sook 임성숙 Harvest 추수
Lim, Seong-Sook 임성숙 Downpour 폭우
Lim, Seong-Sook 임성숙 Between Walls 그 벽 사이
Lim, Seong-Sook 임성숙 Blowing into a Lotus- Blossom 연꽃으로 피었다가
Lim, Seong-Sook 임성숙 The Deserted Cabin
Lim, Seong-Sook 임성숙 A 12-Line Poem 십이행초(十二行抄)
Shin, Tong-Choon 신동춘 In the Fall 가을에
Shin, Tong-Choon 신동춘 Life 목숨
Shin, Tong-Choon 신동춘 Flying Kite 연날리기
Shin, Tong-Choon 신동춘 The Autumn Sea 가을바다
Shin, Tong-Choon 신동춘 Distance 5 거리(距離) 5
Shin, Tong-Choon 신동춘 Young Breasts Full of Petals
Shin, Tong-Choon 신동춘 The Jealous Wind of Spring 꽃샘바람
Shin, Tong-Choon 신동춘 Pearl and Flower 진주(眞珠)와 꽃술
Shin, Tong-Choon 신동춘 In Spring 봄 한철 2
Shin, Tong-Choon 신동춘 I am coming to you 네게로간다
Shin, Tong-Choon 신동춘 Withness Stand 증언석(證言席)
Shin, Tong-Choon 신동춘 A song of Life
Sung, Choon-Bok 성춘복 Tea at Dawn
Sung, Choon-Bok 성춘복 Departure 출발
Sung, Choon-Bok 성춘복 Death of poet 시인(詩人)의 죽음
Sung, Choon-Bok 성춘복 Someday 어느날
Sung, Choon-Bok 성춘복 A Season of High-Green
Sung, Choon-Bok 성춘복 Confession 고백(告白)
Sung, Choon-Bok 성춘복 Diary 일기(日記)
Yoo, Kyung-Whan 유경환 Winter Orchard 겨울과수원
Yoo, Kyung-Whan 유경환 The Mother 어머니
Yoo, Kyung-Whan 유경환 Loss 상실(喪失)
Yoo, Kyung-Whan 유경환 Mount. Chi Ak
Yoo, Kyung-Whan 유경환 Flower Deer 꽃사슴
Yoo, Kyung-Whan 유경환 A Child’s Hunt 아이의 사냥
Yoo, Kyung-Whan 유경환 Harvest 추수
Yoo, Kyung-Whan 유경환 A prophecy, 1976 예언, 1976
Yoo, Kyung-Whan 유경환 A Note on the Deprived Spring
Yoo, Kyung-Whan 유경환 Colors Amid Sands 모래 사이의 빛들
Yoo, Kyung-Whan 유경환 To the Deer 사슴에게
Yoo, Kyung-Whan 유경환 A Bird
Yoo, Kyung-Whan 유경환 A Spell of Rainy Weather 비온 날*
Yoo, Kyung-Whan 유경환 Morning Reflections from Deer Eyes 사슴의 아침 눈빛을
Yoo, Kyung-Whan 유경환 Story of the Lake 호수(湖水)이야이
Yoo, Kyung-Whan 유경환 Mountion Story 산 이야기