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Love in Mid-winter Night

About the Books

Title Sub
Korean Sijo poetry
Chung Chol
Yi Saek , Won Chun-suk , Chung Dojeon , Choi Young , King Taejong , Chung Mongju , Yu Ŭngbu , Wang Bangyon , Yi Sun-shin , Kim Duklyong , Hwang Jin-Ie , Yi Chonyon , Kim Sang-yong , Shin Hum , Chu Ui-sik , Suh Kyongduk , Yang Sa-eon , Yun Sun-do , Kim Soo-chang , Yi Hwang , Sung Hon , Cho Jun , Cho Shik , Kim Hong-do , Ch’on Kum , Yun Son-do , Prince Wolsan , Prince Yuchon , Han Ho , Chŏng On , Im Je , Woo Tahk , Kim Chun-Taik , Kim Kwang-wook , Yi Deuk-Hyung , Chung Tai-hwa
Chung Chong-wha
Published Year

KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > Sijo

KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

Original Title
고시조선: 동지섣달 기나긴 밤을
Original Language


Romanization of Original
Gosijoseon: dongjiseotdal ginagin bameul

About the Author

Writer default image
  • Chung Chul
  • Birth : 1536 ~ 1593
  • Occupation : Poet
  • First Name : Chul
  • Family Name : Chung
  • Korean Name : 정철
  • ISNI : 0000000083632804
  • Works : 28
About the Original Work
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Work List
Author Work name
Translation Korean Translation Korean
Chung Cheol 정철 A Shower sprinkled on the lotus leaves 소나기 한 줄기가 연잎에 쏟도록애
Chung Cheol 정철 Could I but carve out my heart and make a moon of it 내 마음 베어내어 저 달을 만들고자
Yi Saek 이색 The clouds are gathering in the snow-bound valley 백설이 잦아진 골에 구름이 험하구나
Won Chun-suk 원천석 The wheel of fortune has turned and now Manwol Pavilion is under autumn grass 회고가
Chung Dojun 정도전 Water from the Bridge of Sages flows by purple Mist Village 선인교 내린 물이 자하동에 흐르니
Choi Young 최영 Do not laugh at the pine: it is bent only under snow 바람에 휘였노라 굽은 솔 웃지마라
Won Chun-suk 원천석 Who calls the bamboo bent that bends under the snow 눈 맞아 휘어진 대를 뉘라서 굽다던고
King Taejong 태종 Does it matter this way or does it matter that way? 하여가
Chung Mongju 정몽주 I may die and die, die a hundred times over 단심가
Anonymous 작자미상 White heron, do not go near the valley of crows 백로가
Yu Ung-bu 유응부 Admist last night's cold wind it snowed and frosted 간밤에 불던 바람에 눈서리 친단 말인가
Wang Bang-yon 왕방연 Having bid farewell to my Beloved Lord in a far-off land 천만 리 머나먼 길에 고운 님 여의옵고
Yi Sun-shin 이순신 This night the moon is bright on Hansan Island; alone I sit in the watchtower 한산도가
Kim Duk-ryung 김덕령 A fire broke out on spring hills and all unbloomed buds caught fire 춘산의 불이 나니
Anonymous 작자미상 It's cold, let me get into your bosom: I've no pillow, let me have your arm
Anonymous 작자미상 My Lord comes through the window when the oil lamp glimmers:
Hwang Jinie 황진이 I wish I could cut out the waist of this deep mid-winter night 동짓달 기나긴 밤을 한 허리를 베어내어
Hwang Jinie 황진이 Have I ever been unfaithful and false to him 내 언제 무신하여 님을 언재 속엿관대
Hwang Jinie 황진이 Do not be boastful of your easy flow, the Blue Water of the Green Hills 청산리 벽계수야 쉬이 감을 자랑 마라
Hwang Jinie 황진이 I am the green hill and you the blue water 청산은 내 뜻이요 녹수는 님의 정이
Hwang Jinie 황진이 Alas! How foolish I am! Didn't I know that I would miss him so? 어져 내 일이야 그릴 줄을 모르던가
Hwang Jinie 황진이 Hills are the same old hills, but the same water does not flow twice 산은 옛 산이로되 물은 옛 물이 아니로다
Anonymous 작자미상 A horse neighs outside, but my love will not let me go
Yi Cho-nyon 이조년 The moon is white on pear blossoms, the Milky Way points midnights 다정가
Kim Sang-yong 김상용 Love is false, that he loves me is a lie 사랑이 거짓말이 님 날 사랑 거짓말이
Anonymous 작자미상 On such a bright moonlit night why do grasshoppers so loudly weep
Anonymous 작자미상 In the long sleepless night the moon is bright and the wind cold
Shin Hum 신흠 Last night it rained and the pomegranates all bloomed 방옹시여(어젯밤 비 온 후에 석류 꽃이 다 피었다)
Anonymous 작자미상 Your farewell has set a fire and burns my heart
Anonymous 작자미상 I have given thought to why he has sent me a fan
Anonymous 작자미상 If I can turn the tears in my two eyes into pearls
Anonymous 작자미상 On waking from sleep I got a letter from my beloved
Anonymous 작자미상 May my sighs become the wind and tears the rain
Anonymous 작자미상 The moon, the bright moon, that shone on my lord's eastern window
Anonymous 작자미상 Would a fallen tree put forth leaves even if you water it?
Anonymous 작자미상 Wind, don't blow; rainy wind, don't come
Anonymous 작자미상 May the wind blow, blow the wind bringing the rain
Anonymous 작자미상 Gather every grain of love, measure it by the bushel, and then put it in a bag
Anonymous 작자미상 I would like to cut out my rotting bowels
Anonymous 작자미상 The world is full of healing draughts and sharp knives
Anonymous 작자미상 Though you want to buy love no one wants to sell it
Anonymous 작자미상 The two stone Buddhas on the road stand starved and naked
Chu Ui-shik 주의식 When you talk, you are a villain; when you don't, you are a fool 말하면 잡류라 하고 말 안하면 어리다 하네
Anonymous 작자미상 Though you may enjoy talking, don't speak of others;
Anonymous 작자미상 They say I am I, but who is this I-am-I?
Suh Kyung-deuk 서경덕 Heart! Why are you always so youthful? 마음이 어린 후니 하는 일이 다 어리다
Anonymous 작자미상 If our hearts are at an inch's distance, a thousand li would be also in an inch
Anonymous 작자미상 On the same road some go crying and some come singing
Yang Sa-un 양사언 Taisan may be the high; yet it is under the sky 태산이 높다 하되 하늘 아래 뫼로다
Anonymous 작자미상 May today be today; may today be every day
Anonymous 작자미상 If cold is kept away, that is enough; why worry about the silk dress
Chu Ui-shik 주의식 I've counted life: it is nothing but a dream 인생을 헤아리니 한바탕 꿈이로다
Chung Cheol 정철 Come, honour your parents while you may 어버이 살아신 제 섬길 일은 다 하여라(훈민가 자효)
Anonymous 작자미상 A plum blossom fallen in the spring wind was floating in the air
Yun Sun-do 윤선도 I strung my harp again that I had long forsaken 버렸던 가얏고를 줄 얹어 놀아보니(산중신곡)
Kim Soo-jang 김수장 I like the green willow, but the paulowina better 녹양도 좋거니와 벽오동이 더 좋아라
Anonymous 작자미상 Those who composed songs must be full of sadness
Chung Cheol 정철 Trailing a shadow on the water, a monk walks on the bridge 물 아래 그림자 지니 다리 위에 중이 간다
Anonymous 작자미상 To dance I stood up in the empty space
Yi Hwang 이황 Why are the green hills always so green? 청산은 어찌 만고에 푸르르며
Sung Hohn 성혼 Green hills are ever silent, and running water ever formless 말 없는 청산이요 태 없는 유수로다
Anonymous 작자미상 Let's go to the green hills, you butterflies: tiger, butterflies, you are also welcome
Cho Joon 조준 Dead drunk I fell asleep in the Empty Mountain 술을 취케 먹고 오다가 공산에 자니
Cho Shik 조식 I've long heard of the Duryu Mountains and Yangdan Water; I see them now 두류산 양단수를 예 듣고 이제 보니
Anonymous 작자미상 After rain at Sanyoung Pavilion, Paikwoon Peak looks fresher
Anonymous 작자미상 After ten years' planning I built a three-roomed house
Kim Hong-do 김홍도 I set a boat on spring water and leisurely let it drift 춘수에 배를 띠워 가는 대로 노하시니
Anonymous 작자미상 In the beautiful mountain with clear water I set up a grass house against a rock
Anonymous 작자미상 A humble cottage raised on the rock by a stream in the valley
Anonymous 작자미상 No one will come to this deep valley of green hills and blue water
Chun Gum 천금 As the night falls in the mountains village a dog barks from a distance 산촌에 밤이 드니 먼데 개가 지져온다
Shin Hum 신흠 Snow in the countryside hid the stone path 산촌에 눈이 오니 돌길이 묻혔어라
Yun Son-do 윤선도 Water, stone, pine and bamboo are my only friends 내 벗이 몇이나 하니 석수와 송죽이라(산중신곡 오우가)
Yun Son-do 윤선도 Green Hill is my friend, and so is Blue Water 청산도 내 벗이요 녹수도 내 벗이라
Yun Son-do 윤선도 Day is warm and fish swim in the water 날이 덥도다 물 위에 고기 떴다(어부사시사 춘사)
Prince Wolsan 월산대군 Night is on the autumn river; the water is cold 추강에 밤이 드니
Prince Yuchon 유천군 The autumn mountain with the autumn wind is reflected in the autumn river 추산이 추풍을 띠고 추강에 잠겨있다
Anonymous 작자미상 I'll cover the new house with clouds; I'll dig a well and float the moon on it
Anonymous 작자미상 Last night's wind has blown off all the peach blossoms in the garden
Han ho 한호 Don't take a straw mat out; I don't mind the fallen leaves 집 방석 내지 마라 낙엽엔들 못 앉으랴
Chung on 정온 Closing the book and opening the window, I see a boat on the lake 책을 덮고 창을 여니 강호에 배 떠 있다
Anonymous 작자미상 The lone pine on the river is so strong and straight
Imm Je 임제 In this thick valley of green grass, are you asllep or resting 청초 우거진 골에 자난다 누엇는다
Anonymous 작자미상 My mistress fills the cup only half-full; my wife is jealous of my affairs
Anonymous 작자미상 I made a solemn pledge never to drink again
Anonymous 작자미상 Wine, why do you cast a purple hue on my pale face?
Anonymous 작자미상 Frost became wine and got the whole mountain drunk
Woo Tak 우탁 I held thorns in one hand and a stick in the other 한 손에 가시를 들고 또 한 손에 막대 들고
Anonymous 작자미상 A whilff of spring wind has melted all the snow on the earth
Anonymous 작자미상 To whom have I given my youth away and whose white hair have I gotten?
Kim Chun-Taik 김전택 Listen everybody! Listen to me! 세상 사람들아 이 내말 들어보소
Anonymous 작자미상 I have finally caught and bound my sadness
Kim Kwang-wook 김광욱 People are all foolish; there is no exception 세상 사람들이 다 쓰러 어리더라
Kim Soo-jang 김수장 Maple has turned red and golden chrysanthemum richly fragrant 단풍은 연홍이요 황국은 순금이라
Yi Deuk-Hyung 이덕형 The moon is so brightly hung in the deep blue sky 달이 뚜렷하여 벽공에 걸렸으니
Chung Tai-hwa 정태화 After a bacchanal feast roundly I sit 술을 취케 먹고 둥글게 앉았으니
Anonymous 작자미상 When was wine made? When was melancholy born?
Anonymous 작자미상 My endless sorrows are too big to be washed away by the wide sea

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