E-Books & Audiobooks

We provide e-books of Korean literary works published in over 48 languages around the world.

9 results
  • The Plotters
    The Plotters
    English(English) Ebook

    Kim Un-su et al / 김언수 / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    A fantastical crime novel set in an alternate Seoul where assassination guilds compete for market dominance. Behind every assassination, there is an anonymous mastermind—a plotter—working in the shadows. Plotters quietly dictate the moves of the city's most dangerous criminals, but their existence is little more than legend. Just who are the plotters? And more important, what do they want? Reseng is an assassin. Raised by a cantankerous killer named Old Raccoon in the crime headquarters "The Library," Reseng never questioned anything: where to go, who to kill, or why his home was filled with books that no one ever read. But one day, Reseng steps out of line on a job, toppling a set of carefully calibrated plans. And when he uncovers an extraordinary scheme set into motion by an eccentric trio of young women—a convenience store clerk, her wheelchair-bound sister, and a cross-eyed librarian—Reseng will have to decide if he will remain a pawn or finally take control of the plot. Crackling with action and filled with unforgettable characters, The Plotters is a deeply entertaining thriller that soars with the soul, wit, and lyricism of real literary craft. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/F34E84CE-2CB1-4F1B-BD4A-12E327BE2356

  • Die Plotter
    Die Plotter
    German(Deutsch) Ebook

    Kim Un-su et al / 김언수 / 2018 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    Raeseng ist Killer von Beruf, seit ihn Old Raccoon als Kind bei sich aufnahm und ausbildete. Aufgewachsen an einem geheimen Rückzugsort in Seoul, einer Bibliothek voller alter Bücher, gehört er zur Killer-Elite Koreas. Denn Old Raccoon ist ein Plotter. Als Kopf der Organisation "Library of Dogs" hat er seit Jahrzehnten alle politisch gewollten Exekutionen in Korea geplant. Doch als die Macht der Diktatur schwindet, gerät auch der Einfluss der Plotter ins Wanken – und eine neue Generation beginnt, ihr eigenes tödliches Netzwerk aufzuziehen. Als Raeseng vom Plan der Plotter bei der Ausführung eines Auftrags abweicht, geraten die Dinge außer Kontrolle – und Raeseng rückt selbst an die erste Stelle der Todesliste ... Nach Han Kangs Sensationserfolg Die Vegetarierin macht mit Un-Su Kim ein weiterer koreanischer Bestsellerautor international Furore. In Korea gefeiert und mehrfach preisgekrönt, besticht Un-Su Kim in Die Plotter durch einzigartigen Stil und bemerkenswerte Beobachtungsgabe. Mit einfühlsam-sarkastischem Humor lässt er in seinem außergewöhnlichen Krimi noir den Beruf des Killers zum Handwerk werden. Ein faszinierendes Leseerlebnis, das alles zugleich ist: traumhaft und realistisch, hart und aufwühlend. Wie schon Old Raccoon sagte: "Wenn du Bücher liest, wird dein Leben erfüllt sein von Ängsten und Scham" – und alles andere als langweilig. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/6963f7d4-030b-452c-9f95-0800d05169ce

  • Планировщики
    Russian(Русский) Ebook

    Kim Un-su et al / 김언수 / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    За каждым убийством стоит анонимный вдохновитель, планирующий его в деталях. Невидимые планировщики скрываются в густой тени, они дирижируют самыми громкими преступлениями, они направляют самых опасных убийц. Но существуют ли они? Или это лишь городской миф?..Рэсэн – киллер. Он вырос в Собачьей библиотеке под присмотром странного и страшного человека, которого все зовут Старый Енот. Рэсэн никогда не задавался вопросом, почему он убивает. Его истинная жизнь протекала внутри книг, там он укрывался от непонятного, искореженного мира. Но однажды Рэсэн переступил черту, нарушил главное правило своей профессии – не нарушать правила. И отныне перед ним два пути: либо быть убитым, либо изменить мир. Когда же ему попадаются три эксцентричные женщины – продавщица с дипломом врача, ее смешливая сестра в инвалидной коляске и косоглазая библиотекарша с голоском жаворонка, – задумавшие разрушить жестокий порядок вещей, Рэсэну ничего не остается, кроме как сделать выбор: так и остаться марионеткой в руках загадочных планировщиков или начать контролировать сюжет своей жизни.Искрящий от напряжения, полный ярких и необычных персонажей, по-восточному философский нуар-детектив Ким Онсу нежен, остроумен, лиричен и непредсказуем. В «Планировщиках» угадываются отголоски творчества Харуки Мураками, и в то же время роман близок к скандинавским детективам.Содержит нецензурную брань! Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/34F556CB-37F3-4524-94C0-C5618E0886DF

  • Los Planificadores
    Los Planificadores
    Spanish(Español) Ebook

    Kim Un-su et al / 김언수 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    Los planificadores trabajan en la sombra para organizar crímenes que ejecutarán asesinos profesionales como Reseng. El joven, que ha crecido entre las paredes de una biblioteca y entre asesinos y conspiraciones, ha sido educado por un planificador al que llaman Viejo Mapache. Reseng cumple con su inevitable destino y se convierte en un asesino, hasta que rompe las reglas. Ahora solo le queda confiar en tres mujeres que trabajan por su cuenta y que han ideado su propio complot, pero ¿puede fiarse de ellas? Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/5239423?cid=37224

  • The Plotters
    The Plotters
    English(English) Ebook

    Kim Un-su et al / 김언수 / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    A thriller like you've never read one before, from the hottest new voice in Korean fiction 'Kill Bill meets Murakami' D. B. John, author of Star of the North 'A work of literary genius' Karen Dionne, internationally bestselling author of Home 'I loved it!' M. W. Craven, author of The Puppet Show 'You'll be laughing out loud every five minutes' You-jeong Jeong, author of The Good Son 'A mash-up of Tarantino and Camus set in contemporary Seoul' Louisa Luna, author of Two Girls Down 'An incredible cast of characters' Le monde 'Smart but lightning fast' Brian Evenson, author of Last Days Plotters are just pawns like us. A request comes in and they draw up the plans. There's someone above them who tells them what to do. And above that person is another plotter telling them what to do. You think that if you go up there with a knife and stab the person at the very top, that'll fix everything. But no-one's there. It's just an empty chair. Reseng was raised by cantankerous Old Raccoon in the Library of Dogs. To anyone asking, it's just an ordinary library. To anyone in the know, it's a hub for Seoul's organised crime, and a place where contract killings are plotted and planned. So it's no surprise that Reseng has grown up to become one of the best hitmen in Seoul. He takes orders from the plotters, carries out his grim duties, and comforts himself afterwards with copious quantities of beer and his two cats, Desk and Lampshade. But after he takes pity on a target and lets her die how she chooses, he finds his every move is being watched. Is he finally about to fall victim to his own game? And why does that new female librarian at the library act so strangely? Is he looking for his enemies in all the wrong places? Could he be at the centre of a plot bigger than anything he's ever known? Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/e18e201b-1bd9-4611-a71c-c4826b524033

  • The Plotters
    The Plotters
    English(English) AudioBook

    Kim Un-su et al / 김언수 / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    Behind every assassination, there is an anonymous mastermind—a plotter—working in the shadows. Plotters quietly dictate the moves of the city's most dangerous criminals, but their existence is little more than legend. Just who are the plotters? And more important, what do they want? Reseng is an assassin. Raised by a cantankerous killer named Old Raccoon in the crime headquarters "The Library," Reseng never questioned anything: where to go, who to kill, or why his home was filled with books that no one ever read. But one day, Reseng steps out of line on a job, toppling a set of carefully calibrated plans. And when he uncovers an extraordinary scheme set into motion by an eccentric trio of young women—a convenience store clerk, her wheelchair-bound sister, and a cross-eyed librarian—Reseng will have to decide if he will remain a pawn or finally take control of the plot. Crackling with action and filled with unforgettable characters, The Plotters is a deeply entertaining thriller that soars with the soul, wit, and lyricism of real literary craft. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/8230BEFE-B7D7-47DF-9432-A3701C8B9E58

  • The Plotters
    The Plotters
    English(English) AudioBook

    Kim Un-su et al / 김언수 / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    A thriller like you've never read one before, from the hottest new voice in Korean fiction 'Kill Bill meets Murakami' D. B. John, author of Star of the North 'A work of literary genius' Karen Dionne, internationally bestselling author of Home 'I loved it!' M. W. Craven, author of The Puppet Show 'You'll be laughing out loud every five minutes' You-jeong Jeong, author of The Good Son 'A mash-up of Tarantino and Camus set in contemporary Seoul' Louisa Luna, author of Two Girls Down 'An incredible cast of characters' Le monde 'Smart but lightning fast' Brian Evenson, author of Last Days Plotters are just pawns like us. A request comes in and they draw up the plans. There's someone above them who tells them what to do. And above that person is another plotter telling them what to do. You think that if you go up there with a knife and stab the person at the very top, that'll fix everything. But no-one's there. It's just an empty chair. Reseng was raised by cantankerous Old Raccoon in the Library of Dogs. To anyone asking, it's just an ordinary library. To anyone in the know, it's a hub for Seoul's organised crime, and a place where contract killings are plotted and planned. So it's no surprise that Reseng has grown up to become one of the best hitmen in Seoul. He takes orders from the plotters, carries out his grim duties, and comforts himself afterwards with copious quantities of beer and his two cats, Desk and Lampshade. But after he takes pity on a target and lets her die how she chooses, he finds his every move is being watched. Is he finally about to fall victim to his own game? And why does that new female librarian at the library act so strangely? Is he looking for his enemies in all the wrong places? Could he be at the centre of a plot bigger than anything he's ever known? Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/A3C43015-A93F-41F6-AC85-CC5515461950

  • Die Plotter
    Die Plotter
    German(Deutsch) AudioBook

    Kim Un-su et al / 김언수 / 2021 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    Die stille Kunst des Tötens und ein Killer, der seine Würde entdeckt Raeseng ist Killer von Beruf, seit ihn Old Raccoon als Kind bei sich aufnahm und ausbildete. Aufgewachsen an einem geheimen Rückzugsort in Seoul, einer Bibliothek voller alter Bücher, gehört er zur Killer-Elite Koreas. Denn Old Raccoon ist ein Plotter. Als Kopf der Organisation "Library of Dogs" hat er seit Jahrzehnten alle politisch gewollten Exekutionen in Korea geplant. Doch als die Macht der Diktatur schwindet, gerät auch der Einfluss der Plotter ins Wanken - und eine neue Generation beginnt, ihr eigenes tödliches Netzwerk aufzuziehen. Als Raeseng vom Plan der Plotter bei der Ausführung eines Auftrags abweicht, geraten die Dinge außer Kontrolle - und Raeseng rückt selbst an die erste Stelle der Todesliste ... Nach Han Kangs Sensationserfolg Die Vegetarierin macht mit Un-Su Kim ein weiterer koreanischer Bestsellerautor international Furore. In Korea gefeiert und mehrfach preisgekrönt, besticht Un-Su Kim in Die Plotter durch einzigartigen Stil und bemerkenswerte Beobachtungsgabe. Mit einfühlsam sarkastischem Humor lässt er in seinem außergewöhnlichen Krimi noir den Beruf des Killers zum Handwerk werden. Ein faszinierendes Leseerlebnis, das alles zugleich ist: traumhaft und realistisch, hart und aufwühlend. Wie schon Old Raccoon sagte: "Wenn du Bücher liest, wird dein Leben erfüllt sein von Ängsten und Scham" - und alles andere als langweilig. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/6051277?cid=37224

  • 謀略者
    Chinese(汉语) Ebook

    Kim Un-su et al / 김언수 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    「謀略者」是每個暗殺行動背後的主使,他們掌握國家最黑暗的一面,法、軍、政皆在其掌控之下。隨著韓國民主化,選舉制度確立,經濟迅速成長,暗殺體系愈發蓬勃,使得獨大百年的圖書館遭逢劇變。各派如雨後春筍般紛紛崛起,其中最大勢力便是叛離圖書館自立門戶的暗殺者漢子。 在這場權利鬥爭中,來生發現自己成了那顆關鍵棋子,迎接他的是不再安穩的生活,和連串惡意。至交好友一個接一個死於非命,家中被安裝炸彈。同時,他發現了一張「謀略者」暗殺名單。 他的名字就在上面。 他眼前有三條路可以選擇:忠誠,背叛,或死。但此時,一名女子浮上檯面。 因為這名平凡卻神祕的女子,他選了第四條路── 這是一部充滿陰謀、人命交易、政治佈局,人性最深層欲望的犯罪推理小說。被譽為韓國賀寧曼凱爾的當代知名犯罪小說家金彥洙,以韓國民主化的政治背景為舞台,揭開謀略者體系背後的黑幕。 Source: https://lti.overdrive.com/media/5776059?cid=37224