Original Works

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Printed/Published Work Korean(한국어)

하늘 호수로 떠난 여행

About the Original Works

하늘 호수로 떠난 여행
Original Title
하늘 호수로 떠난 여행
Title Romanization
Haneul hosuro tteonan yeohaeng
English Title(Printed)
A Trip to the Sky Lake

KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Reportage > Misc.

Shiva RYU
Published Year
Main Characters
Travel to India

About the Author

Writer default image
  • Shiva RYU
  • Birth : 1958 ~ -
  • Occupation : Poet
  • First Name : Sihwa
  • Family Name : Ryu
  • Korean Name : 류시화
  • ISNI : 0000000050213996
  • Works : 10
Descriptions(Languages 2)
  • Korean(한국어)
  • English(English)

1997년 출간된 시인 류시화의 인도여행에세이다. 작가가 인도를 여행하면서 만난 사람들과 인도인들의 철학을 이해하는데 도움이 되는 글과 사진 그리고 그들의 삶을 보고 느낀 것을 기록한 것이다.

This collection of essays by Ryu Shiva was published in 1997. It is an account of the people encountered by the author while traveling in India, as well as his thoughts and feelings about their lives, It also provides a compilation of texts and photos that might aid the reader in understanding Indian philosophy.

Translated Books2

  • 窮人的幸福
    Chinese(汉语) Book Available
    Shiva RYU et al / 柳时和 / 2003 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Reportage > Misc.
  • Voyage au pays du lac céleste
    French(Français) Book Available
    Voyage au pays du lac céleste
    Shiva RYU et al / Lyu Sihwa / 2006 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Reportage > Misc.