E-Books & Audiobooks

We provide e-books of Korean literary works published in over 48 languages around the world.

4 results
  • Die Liebe zu den nicht perfekten Dingen
    Die Liebe zu den nicht perfekten Dingen
    German(Deutsch) Ebook

    HAEMIN et al / 혜민 / 2018 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Essay > 21st century

    Sei glücklich – nicht perfekt! Immer wieder verstellt unsere Suche nach Perfektion unseren Blick auf die Schönheit des Jetzt. Es sind gerade die kleinen, unperfekten Momente, die unser Leben zu etwas Besonderem machen. Nicht die Suche nach Perfektion, sondern die Suche nach den stillen, glücklichen Augenblicken sollte uns antreiben. Wenn es uns gelingt, den gegenwärtigen Moment mit Nachsicht und Liebe zu betrachten, können wir die Fülle und den Reichtum unseres Lebens wirklich spüren. Sei es die Erinnerung an die Liebe unserer Mutter, das Glück, unsere Kinder aufwachsen zu sehen – unsere Leben sind voller Quellen der Wärme und Freude. Nichts muss perfekt sein. Es muss echt sein. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/106529E0-E556-4447-8FEB-905574F53784

  • Love for Imperfect Things
    Love for Imperfect Things
    English(English) Ebook

    HAEMIN et al / 혜민 / 2018 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Essay > 21st century

    Susan Cain, New York Times bestselling author of Quiet: "The world could surely use a little more love, a little more compassion, and a little more wisdom. In Love for Imperfect Things, Haemin Sunim shows us how to cultivate all three, and to find beauty in the most imperfect of things—including your very own self." A #1 internationally bestselling book of spiritual wisdom about learning to love ourselves, with all our imperfections, by the Buddhist author of The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down Hearing the words "be good to yourself first, then to others" was like being struck by lightning. Many of us respond to the pressures of life by turning inward and ignoring problems, sometimes resulting in anxiety or depression. Others react by working harder at the office, at school, or at home, hoping that this will make ourselves and the people we love happier. But what if being yourself is enough? Just as we are advised on airplanes to take our own oxygen first before helping others, we must first be at peace with ourselves before we can be at peace with the world around us. In this beautiful follow-up to his international bestseller The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down, Zen Buddhist monk Haemin Sunim turns his trademark wisdom to the art of self-care, arguing that only by accepting yourself—and the flaws that make you who you are—can you have compassionate and fulfilling relationships with your partner, your family, and your friends. With more than thirty-five full-color illustrations, Love for Imperfect Things will appeal to both your eyes and your heart, and help you learn to love yourself, your life, and everyone in it. When you care for yourself first, the world begins to find you worthy of care. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/2EC898ED-A220-4520-A5B4-343F92828524

  • El arte de amar las cosas imperfectas
    El arte de amar las cosas imperfectas
    Catalan(Català) Ebook

    HAEMIN et al / 혜민 / 2021 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Essay > 21st century

    Muchos de nosotros respondemos a las presiones de la vida volviéndonos más introvertidos e ignorando los problemas que más tarde derivan en ansiedad y depresión. Otros reaccionan esforzándose más en el trabajo, en la escuela o en casa, con la esperanza de lograr la felicidad para ellos y los que les rodean. Pero ¿y si fuera suficiente con ser uno mismo? En este hermoso libro, el monje budista zen Haemin Sunim convierte su sabiduría en el arte del autocuidado y nos muestra que solo al aceptarnos a nosotros mismos y nuestros defectos lograremos alcanzar nuestro verdadero yo. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/6026015?cid=37224

  • Le goût des choses imparfaites
    Le goût des choses imparfaites
    French(Français) Ebook

    HAEMIN et al / 혜민 / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Essay > 21st century

    L'auteur du best-seller The things you can see only when you slow down, traduit dans plus de trente langues, revient avec un nouvel opus et un nouveau mantra pour accéder à plus de sérénité dans nos existences trépidantes : « Non, vous n'avez pas à être parfait ! » Au fil de huit chapitres qui abordent des thèmes universels - la famille, l'empathie, les relations, le courage, etc. - Haemin Sunim nous encourage à être bienveillant avec nous-même, à accepter ce que nous sommes. C'est la condition sine qua non d'une existence harmonieuse avec notre entourage. Au détour d'une anecdote, on apprend le pouvoir des câlins ou l'art du lâcher-prise... Un livre apaisant. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/7186764?cid=37224