Original Works

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Printed/Published Work Korean(한국어)

불가능한 동화

About the Original Works

불가능한 동화
Original Title
불가능한 동화
Title Romanization
Bulganeunghan donghwa
Title Sub
한유주 장편소설
English Title(Printed)
The Impossible Fairytale

KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

Han Yujoo
Published Year
Main Characters
The Child, Mia, homeroom teacher
Domestic violence, silent suffering, unprotected daily life

About the Author

Han Yujoo
  • Han Yujoo
  • Birth : 1982 ~ -
  • Occupation : Novelist
  • First Name : Yujoo
  • Family Name : Han
  • Korean Name : 한유주
  • ISNI : 0000000073346927
  • Works : 11

The protagonist doesn't stand out at school, and no one acknowledges her, but she goes to school without any big complaints. She can cover the bruises on her body from beatings with clothes, but the homeroom teacher's request to keep and submit a detailed daily journal becomes difficult to handle, and the protagonist grows angry. Unable to write about the violent world around her in her journal, she finally attempts to destroy the journal.

Descriptions(Languages 2)
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

This is a novel by Han Yujoo, serialized in the quarterly magazine Munhakgwa sahoe (Literature and Society) from 2011 to the spring of 2012 and published in the book form in 2013. With the author’s delicate language, the novel illuminates the daily life of the protagonist who is exposed to violence but does not show pain. The protagonist, who lives quietly with scars amidst people's indifference, suffers from a situation where even her school cannot provide her a refuge.

2011년부터 2012년 봄까지 계간지<문학과 사회>에 연재한 후 2013년에 출간된 한유주의 장편소설이다. 소설은 폭력에 노출되었지만 고통을 드러내지 못하는 주인공의 일상을 작가의 섬세한 언어로 조명하고 있다. 사람들의 무관심 속에서 상처를 지닌 채 조용하게 지내는 주인공은 학교가 은신처가 될 수 없는 상황에 괴로워 한다.

Translated Books5 See More

  • The Impossible Fairy Tale
    English(English) Book Available
    The Impossible Fairy Tale
    Han Yujoo / Han Yujoo / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
  • Un impossible conte de fées
    French(Français) Book Available
    Un impossible conte de fées
    Han Yujoo / Han Yujoo / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
  • The Impossible Fairytale
    English(English) Book Available
    The Impossible Fairytale
    Han Yujoo / Han Yujoo / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

E-Books & Audiobooks3

  • The Impossible Fairy Tale
    English(English) E-Books
    The Impossible Fairy Tale
    Han Yujoo / Han Yujoo / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
  • Un impossible conte de fées
    French(Français) E-Books
    Un impossible conte de fées
    Han Yujoo / Han Yujoo / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
  • The Impossible Fairytale
    English(English) E-Books
    The Impossible Fairytale
    Han Yujoo / Han Yujoo / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century