Event Database

We provide data on various Korean literature events hosted by LTI Korea around the world.


2019 Social Media Promotion Event in Celerbation of the Publication of Shin Kyung-sook's Please Look After Mom (엄마를 부탁해)

2019 Social Media Promotion Event in Celerbation of the Publication of Shin Kyung-sook's Please Look After Mom (엄마를 부탁해)
May 01, 2019 to May 31, 2019
Program type
Azerbaijani(Azərbaycan dili)
Host Korean
Host English
Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

The events took place across Azerbaijan from May 1 to 31, 2019. In celebration of the publication of the Azerbaijani translation of Shin Kyung-sook's novel Please Look After Mom, LTI Korea gave copies of the book to book bloggers, journalists, and readers, and asked them to read the book in two weeks and write reviews. Afterward, the participants gathered for a reading discussion and presentation, which were filmed and posted on the publisher's homepage. In addition, the participants posted the video on their social media accounts (Facebook and Instagram) and blogs.

2019년 5월 1일부터 31일까지 아제르바이젠 전역에서 진행되었다. 신경숙 작가의 소설『엄마를 부탁해』 아제르바이잔어판 출간을 기념하여 북블로거, 저널리스트, 독자 등에게 도서를 배부하여 2주간 독서 및 리뷰 작성을 요청하였다. 이후 참여자들이 모여 독서 토론 진행 및 발표영상을 촬영하여 출판사 홈페이지, 소셜미디어(페이스북, 인스타그램) 및 북블로거들 개인블로그에 게재하였다.

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