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Popular Culture Connects with Literature: Kim Young-ha, Park Min-gyu, Kim Kyung-uk, Kim Junghyuk | LIST

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Popular Culture Connects with Literature: Kim Young-ha, Park Min-gyu, Kim Kyung-uk, Kim Junghyuk | LIST
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Kim youngha , Park Min-gyu , Kim Kyung-uk , Kim Junghyuk

About the Author

Kim youngha
  • Kim Young-ha
  • Birth : 1968 ~ -
  • Occupation : Novelist
  • First Name : youngha
  • Family Name : Kim
  • Korean Name : 김영하
  • ISNI : 000000012148951X
  • Works : 97
Descriptions - 1 Languages
  • English(English)

Popular Culture Connects with Literature: Kim Young-ha, Park Min-gyu, Kim Kyung-uk, Kim Junghyuk   By Kang Yu-jung on Oct 31 2014 07:48:28 Vol.12 Summer 2011 Leaving behind the political of their predecessors, writers since the 1990s seek inspiration in the media-saturated, consumer-oriented masses of individuality.     1. Seek Within Popular Culture and Deliberate Through Literature Novels provide us with a multi-dimensional rendering of society’s cultural landscapes and desires. The language of the novel harnesses and gives form to desires drifting in reality; characters in novels and their conversations, sex, jobs, and lifestyles reflect the desires and deficiencies of their contemporaries. One great change that took place in Korean novels after 1987 was that personal desire was brought to the foreground. Contemporary novels began when the one-dimensional specimen of a fictional character evolved into an entity with individuality. Along those lines, it is notable that in Korean novels after 1987, a major part of personal desire is inspired by outside stimuli. One could argue that traditional novels such as Honggildongjeon are spawned by social circumstances of discriminating against second wives’ children, but the desire of novels after 1987 come in greater variety and class including objects represented by brand names. The desire of novels from 1990 and beyond preserves character types and their lifestyles. They turn on the computer the moment they wake up in the morning, listen to music on the Internet, and prefer the anonymity of 24-hour convenience stores. They are more comfortable around manmade structures than nature, and prefer the no-hassle relationships they form online than ones offline. The interesting thing is that a great part of this manmade world consists of a cultural form called popular culture. Their memories are shared with songs of popular singers, the names of fashionable clothing brands, and commercial film productions. Popular culture provides a well from which to draw one’s literary sensibility.

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  • 我有破坏自己的权利
    Chinese(汉语) Book Available
    Kim Young-ha et al / 김영하 / 2009
  • 猜谜秀
    Chinese(汉语) Book Available
    Kim Young-ha et al / 김영하 / 2009
  • Reading Korea
    English(English) Book Available
    Reading Korea
    Ha Keun-Chan et al / 하근찬 et al / 2008

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