Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

7 results
  • I Am a Season That Does Not Exist in the World
    I Am a Season That Does Not Exist in the World
    English(English) Book Available

    Kim Kyung Ju / 김경주 / 2015 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry

    Poetry. Brian Henry takes the blank, desolate canvas of snow and searches "for a river of color buried." With calm precision he sways from physical to abstract, from stasis to motion. The balance creates a chilling vista on the human connection to the ambivalent force of nature. Henry is the author of ten books of poetry and has garnered numerous awards as a translator. His words reframe perception with unsentimental observations and a seasoned comfort with the gray rapaciousness of winter.

  • Asia Literary Review
    Asia Literary Review
    English(English) Book Available

    Cheon Myeong-kwan et al / 천명관 et al / 2016 / -

  • オオカミは目玉から育つ
    Japanese(日本語) Book Available

    Kim Kyung Ju et al / 김경주 / 2018 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Drama > Modern Drama > Play script

    韓国気鋭詩人の戯曲集 独特のリズムで描く混沌とした世界 人間でありながらオオカミの姿の母子を通して生命の本質に迫る不条理劇『オオカミは目玉から育つ』、雪降る海辺で出会った身障者のキムとお巡りさんとの対話から絶望と希望の葛藤を描いた『私が一番美しかった時、私のそばには愛する人がいなかった』の傑作2本を収録。   Source URL :オオカミは目玉から育つ-金經株/dp/4846017281

  • Bred from the Eyes of a Wolf
    Bred from the Eyes of a Wolf
    English(English) Book Available

    Kim Kyung Ju / 김경주 / 2018 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Drama > Modern Drama > Play script

    Drama. Poetry. Science Fiction. Translated by Jake Levine. Equal parts poetry, drama, and sci-fi, award-winning poet Kim Kyung Ju's verse play BRED FROM THE EYES OF A WOLF follows a post-apocalyptic family of wolves (indistinguishable from humans) forced to taxidermy their own cubs in order to survive. An allegory for the degraded social relations of the present, Kim Kyung Ju's all-too-familiar dystopia partitions the male body into monetized parts while the female body is valued only for its reproductive ability. Various mythologies and science fictions layer one over the other—from Oedipus to zombies to a cybernetic police state—in this stunning depiction of family, alienation, and contemporary capitalism, translated from Korean into English for the first time by frequent collaborator Jake Levine.   Source URL :

  • Butterfly Sleep
    Butterfly Sleep
    English(English) Book

    Kim Kyung Ju / 김경주 / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Drama > Modern Drama > Play script

    KIM KYUNG JU's Butterfly Sleep is a historical drama based in the early period of the Joseon dynasty. He relies on a mixture of absurdism, magic realism, and dark humor in order to tell an existentialist allegory of Korea s rapid development. In this sense, Butterfly Sleep is a story about the fractured soul of the nation. Even more so, it is a lesson in consolation. As Butterfly Sleep unfolds, we drift in and out of song, as music is made in order to comfort the characters in the play. With lyricism and grace, Kim suggests that the only way the ghosts of the nation can be consoled is through direct confrontation. Confront them first, then sing them a lullaby. Source:

  • Whale and Vapor
    Whale and Vapor
    English(English) Book

    Kim Kyung Ju / 김경주 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry

    Poetry. Asian & Asian American Studies. Translated by Jake Levine. The poems in WHALE AND VAPOR emphasize exhaustion—physically, mentally, and as an existential condition. Kim Kyung Ju playfully turns toward the lyric in this work as a way to reconcile himself with the contemporary world by engaging in dialogue with his Korean literary ancestry. Masterfully translated by Jake Levine in close conversation with the author, this collection by one of the most popular and critically acclaimed poets to come out in South Korea in the new millennium explores the cold tunnels of today's tired, dark times.   source :

  • 現代詩手帖 2011年 3月号
    現代詩手帖 2011年 3月号
    Japanese(日本語) Book

    Hwang Sunghee et al / 황성희 et al / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical