
We provide news about Korean writers and works from all around the world.

171 results
  • 【大塚英志氏書評】もはや日本の文学は周回遅れになった
    Japanese(日本語) Article

    NEWSポストセブン / January 03, 2021

    今年ならミン・ジン・リー『パチンコ』でもいいし、去年ならポン・ジュノの映画『パラサイト』、少し前ならゾンビアニメ『ソウル・ステーションパンデミック』と、韓国の小説や映像に触れる度に思うのは、韓国にはまだ描くべきものが歴然としてある、ということだ。 個人のミニマムな世界では描き得ない歴史やあるいは「格差」などという妙に社会学的な言い方に収めないで「階級」を、ゾンビアニメを以てさえ毅然と描く姿を見る時、「文学」や「映画」を社会が必要としているようでひどく懐かしい。

  • Nearly a Century Later, We’re Still Reading — and Changing Our Minds About — Gatsby
    Nearly a Century Later, We’re Still Reading — and Changing Our Minds About — Gatsby
    English(English) Article

    The NewYork Times / December 30, 2020

    I’ve long held to the completely unsupported notion that a protagonist is simpler to write than a truly memorable supporting character. Sometimes just a silhouette — created with a few slashes of the pen, a few charismatic adjectives — seems the more unlikely accomplishment, born out of some surplus wit and energy, some surfeit of love for a fictional world that expresses itself in the desire to animate even its most minor participants.  

  • Min Jin Lee on the ‘deep moral conscience’ of ‘The Great Gatsby’
    Min Jin Lee on the ‘deep moral conscience’ of ‘The Great Gatsby’
    English(English) Article

    The Boston Globe / December 22, 2020

    Gatsby believed in the green light. And Min Jin Lee believed so much in "Gatsby" that she green-lighted a request from Penguin Classics. Earlier this year, the publisher asked Lee, writer-in-residence at Amherst College, to introduce F. Scott  

  • "Pachinko", le roman dont vous n'avez pas fini d'entendre parler
    French(Français) Article

    HUFFPOST / January 12, 2021

    LITTÉRATURE - “Une histoire puissante sur la résilience et la compassion.” Ces mots, ce sont ceux de Barack Obama à l’égard d’un roman intitulé Pachinko, paru à l’étranger en 2017. Le roman de Min Jin Lee, que l’ancien président des États-Unis a lu sur les conseils d’un de ses employés, a été traduit en français et sort en librairie ce mardi 12 janvier.   

  • “Pachinko” and “Crazy Rich Asians” Were Top Library Checkouts on the LES in 2019
    “Pachinko” and “Crazy Rich Asians” Were Top Library Checkouts on the LES in 2019
    English(English) Article

    The Lo-Down / December 18, 2019

    At this time each year, the New York Public Library shares the top checkouts systemwide and in branch locations across the city. Let’s take a look at what people on the Lower East Side wanted to read in 2019.(..)

  • The best international books to read
    The best international books to read
    English(English) Article

    Good House Keeping / March 13, 2020

    One of the best things about reading is the power of a well-written book to transport you – to give you a window into someone else’s life and an insight into a different world, through a character’s eyes.(..)

  • An undiscovered library: My wife’s books
    An undiscovered library: My wife’s books
    English(English) Article

    The Washington Post / July 10, 2020

    It was early April, and I needed a good book to read. Libraries and bookstores had gone dark. So I did the unthinkable: I turned to my own bookshelves. My bookshelves always get me down. Yes, they contain old favorites, but interspersed among them are books I got as gifts but whose spines I’ve never cracked (and which now make me feel ungrateful), well-reviewed novels that I gave up on and classics that I am absolutely sure I will read someday, but not now. My failures, alphabetized.

  • Exploring my Korean identity: A follow-up to Min Jin Lee’s ‘Pachinko’
    Exploring my Korean identity: A follow-up to Min Jin Lee’s ‘Pachinko’
    English(English) Article

    LA Times HS Insider / July 29, 2020

    Though my parents were born and raised in Korea, having immigrated to the states when they were in their late 20’s, I’ve spent my whole life in my small, predominantly white community of La Cañada.

  • In ‘Pachinko’, a Record of Forgotten Lives
    In ‘Pachinko’, a Record of Forgotten Lives
    English(English) Article

    The Daily Star / November 26, 2020

    Even in the most extraordinary of political times, someone must tend to the crops. Someone must weave clothes for the winter. These everyday tasks fall not to the revolutionaries who earn our tributes but to ordinary folk persevering through wars and famines without recognition. History, says Min Jin Lee in the opening line of Pachinko, has failed them.